Build your business on amazing client relationships

Are you a busy service professional who wants to stand out for your customer focus and excellence?

Are you keen to attract more of the right kind of clients into your business? I offer a simple, sustainable and clear approach to marketing and growing your business and reducing your cost of sales, starting with your existing client base.

Tom from Spark Tutoring

Client Story

Listen to the story of how Tom has focused on customer excellence to build his business with support from Your Happy Customer.

Are you:

  • Lacking understanding of how much your clients are worth to you (lifetime value)?
  • Overwhelmed with the choices and latest trends in marketing?
  • Not sure where to start with a marketing strategy that is right for your business?
  • Feeling like you are missing out on opportunities, but no idea how to channel your precious resources?
  • Struggling to find time to dedicate to marketing your business and building your client base?
  • Not convinced of the value of taking care of your existing clients?

I’d love to help!

My practical support and structured approach will provide you with a clearly defined marketing strategy aligned with your business goals.


Create unforgettable customer journeys & boost word-of-mouth referrals.

Unique Roadmap

Tailored strategies to enhance relationships & drive client loyalty.


Learn to effectively listen to your customers & build on business values.

The Benefits of Good Customer Relations

Why does your business need Happy Customers?

There’s no great secret to effective customer relationship management. It’s about applying simple but solid solutions, a lot of listening and a bit of common sense.

Step by step, I’ll support your business to achieve greater customer loyalty, increased revenue as well as efficiencies in your sales and marketing costs.

It costs 5 times more to recruit a new customer than to retain an existing one

Existing customers are 60% more likely to buy a new product or service from you

You can focus your time and resources much more effectively

Happy customers typically spend more

Loyalty is a premium you get from customers feeling valued and understood

Happy Customers will talk positively about your business, promoting trust, generating referrals & building your reputation.


what people say

Felicity Chivers, Client Services Director, Buffalo 7

5 star rating
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“If you’re keen to market your business in a way that puts client relationships at the centre, Lisa is what you need! Lisa has all the marketing expertise that will help you get a strategy sorted that will prioritise treating your clients like royalty so they shout about you from the rooftops (so you don’t have to). Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tactic that supports businesses to grow – yet it’s often the most ignored. If you want to do things differently, talk to Lisa…”

Caroline Boardman, CBC Ltd

5 star rating
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5 star rating
“I would highly recommend Lisa to any business owner who likes the customer focused marketing approach (aka the best marketing approach).
Lisa’s whole philosophy is to focus on doing the best job for and looking after your current clients… and it works. Lisa’s
advice is always straightforward and simple and she is really approachable and friendly with it too.
Thanks Lisa, for everything you’ve helped me with and looking forward to many more years working together.”

Jennifer Cooper, Jennifer Cooper Timesaver

5 star rating
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5 star rating
“I booked a 1to1 session with Lisa, founder of Your Happy Customer, to look at my customer service offering, and see how I could up level it. I am so impressed with Lisa’s attention to detail, and the excellent ideas she came up with.
She significantly helped me move my business forward, and crafted a clear vision of how I can offer the best possible client experience.
Highly recommended.”
Sharing is Caring


I try to start the week sharing some of my thoughts and tips on customer focused marketing that could help your business! I also like to point to free stuff that I find might be useful. I’d love to keep in touch with you – sign up here to start your happy customer journey x